Sunday, January 8, 2017

Getting started with Google Classroom: in under 60 seconds

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to work smarter not harder, than this post is for you.  One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start using your Google Classroom! If you are looking for reasons why to implement one more thing, you can read my top 5 reasons why I love Google Classroom here.

With so much information on the web, it can be overwhelming.  You just want to get started and after two hours of searching you are more exhausted and frustrated than you were when you started. (I've been there- I totally understand your frustration. Luckily I have a super tech savvy co-worker that I can bounce ideas off of 24/7, not to mention my online teaching friends, so I don't stay frustrated for too long.)

I want to show you how easy it is to get started with Google Classroom.  If you have an assignment on your Google Drive that you want to share with your students, I can help you create a class and upload your assignment in less than 60 seconds!  Yes, that's faster than finding a copy, walking to the copy machine, making 74 front to back copies, and walking back to your classroom.  Don't forget the time it takes to hand out, sort through your turn in tray, put a sticker on it, pass back, etc.

Are you ready?

Click on the tutorial below

Comment below on what you find the be the biggest hurdle in implementing Google Classroom.

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